Friday, August 19, 2011

Hong Kong: Disneyland Hotel's Garden

Our breakfast at Disneyland Hotel's Enchanted Garden Restaurant was really memorable.  And what made it the more so is that we had this really fantastic view.  I think it's worthwhile to blog a view this magnificent!  I almost forgot to do so until I scanned my photos. =)

A very well tended garden

A view fit for a pictorial
Just beyond is the maze. As you can see, it is well-cut and well-tended.  It's a pity we haven't got the chance to explore it due to weather conditions. 

It was quite a misty day

Above, a sneek view of the guests room's veranda

Elegant stairs on both sides

If the weather had permitted us, we could have had the chance to discover what will lead going up those elegant stairs!  Maybe next time! =)

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  1. Bloggers best,
    the follow button is up at the top of the page where your toolbar is next to the search bar. You can delete this comment now if you want. Great post by the way :)

  2. I loved Disneyland at Hong Kong! So much fun. Nice post, great pics. :)

  3. Anonymous Blogger,
    Thank you for browsing... =)

    Thanks for the appreciation. It means a lot. =)
